Computer Lab

 Our computer lab serves as a dynamic hub for students and researchers, facilitating an array of academic activities and fostering a conducive environment for learning and research. Equipped with 11 computer systems, each boasting high-speed internet access, this lab ensures students have the necessary tools at their disposal for their academic pursuits. Moreover, students have access to essential research software like SPSS and NVivo, empowering them to perform comprehensive data analysis and qualitative research. SPSS is a statistical software widely used for data analysis, while NVivo is a powerful tool for qualitative research, helping students organise and analyse unstructured data.

To enhance the overall experience, our computer lab has been soundproofed, providing an undisturbed atmosphere for focused work and presentations. The inclusion of a projector and sound system further enables interactive and engaging sessions. The lab is also designed with student comfort in mind, featuring excellent ventilation and air conditioning, ensuring that everyone can work in a pleasant and conducive environment. Whether you're conducting experiments, working on assignments, or engaging in collaborative research projects, the Computer Lab in the Department of Psychology offers the perfect space to harness your academic potential.